We already have the tools and expertise and we can create detailed 3D ship model database, drawings and complete shipbuilding production information
gate io app Fast production informationOur main goal is to create new software applications for ship design, 3D modelling, CAD/CAM production information,custom oriented applications
Software ProjectsESD model screenshot and picture from shipyards during ship building stages
We can create ship 3D model but also any kind of steel structure
Easy Ship Design : ship design system
Autonesting : plates and profiles parts automatic nesting system , cnc files code generation
Robot interface package : collection of applications for the robot cutting interface
SERPO : shipyard production ERP system , mySQL,msSQL database server
SERPO familly : MyDocumets digitalization , Pipe workshop digitalization , Small Steel workshop digitalization
Crane allocation : realtime cranes operators allocation and reservation
ToolsManagement : tools registration and distribution for workers from tools warehouse
Transport allocation : realtime service(mobile application) for shipyard transport allocation and reservation for electrocars,autocranes,trailers...
Workers shuttle bus registration : realtime service (mobile application) for shipyard workers registration during transport to/from shipyard whit shuttle bus